A Whole New World

At the beginning of the semester, when my professor explained to the class that there were two interpretations of, challenges of modernity I was a bit confused.  I had only thought of the challenges that could stem from becoming so modern.  Never, did I think of challenges posed on modernity.  Now that our semester is […]

Taking Care of Our World, Our Society, and Ourselves

Many authors have written about civilization, how amazing our species develops technology, and our groundbreaking advancements. For many authors, while writing about this, have come to the conclusion that “what we call “progress” always comes with a price.” Sigmund Freud in “Civilization and Its Discontents” and Ta-Nehisi Coates in “Between the World and Me”, in […]

My Aha Moment

    One of the most notable changes in my thinking over the course of this semester was during our lessons on Rachel Carson.  During these classes, we went over a select number of chapters from her book, “Silent Spring.”  Silent Spring focuses on the environment and the effect DDT had on it.  For a […]

Waiting for a Change

It isn’t common that my course work between class overlaps.  Fortunately for me this semester in both my Challenges of Modernity and Basic Acting classes the material overlapped at least once.  In both courses we are covering the masterpiece of Waiting for Godot written by Samuel Beckett in 1948 and 1949. Just recently I found […]

Silent Spring

Two kids on a playground, one runs past a little girl and knocks her lollipop right to the ground.  The other child starts running and trips unfortunately taking down another little girl’s lollipop.  Both children committed the same poor action that ended with the same result; however, only one of them was premeditated.  How do […]

Marx and Communism

As a response to the industrial revolution, Karl Marx published a controversial book called, The Communist Manifesto.  Within the book, Marx argues that history is just a history of class struggles.  He calls for all the laborers to end capitalism and push to abolish private property.  Marx is known to be one of the most […]

Double Consciousness: Rappers Realities

In the modern rap world, songs tend to be based on the themes of drugs, sex and alcohol.  Jay-Z most known for his determination and hard work never fails to keep working and knocking down walls in the music industry.  Kanye West on the other hand, people love to hate.  He is a self made […]